18 /11: Dequarterisation of Cherpalcheri PO-reg
The Quarters portion of Cherpalcheri SO is dilapidated and not fit for occupation. The facility of drinking water is also not available in quarters portion. It is requested that action may please be taken to dequarterise the PO at an early date.
19 /11: Shifting Nellaya PO to a new building-reg
It is requested that immediate action may please be taken to shift the PO to a new building as the present occupation is very shabby and not visible to public.
20 /11:
Un due delay in Revision of FSC-reg
It is noticed that Directorate has issued instructions to revise the FSC during December-2010 and necessary information has been collected from all offices during December-2010 itself. No revision has so far been ordered. It is requested to revise the FSC of all offices, early.
21 /11:- Compound cleaning –case of Shornur SO/ SQ-reg
It is reported that the growth of wild bush in the compounds of Shornur SO/ SQ is alarming. Action may please be taken to remove the wild bush and clean the compound, early.
22 /11: Supply Barcode Scanners-reg It is reported that the staff experiencing much difficulty in scanning works as the present equipments are not functioning properly. All the scanners are old model and are of low quality. Articles with window covers having thin plastic coating are very difficult to scan the barcodes. It is requested that action may please be taken to arrange supply good quality barcode scanners in a phased manner, in our Division. Also request action to get back the scanners taken away by the Suppliers/ AMC holders, after necessary repairs, immediately.
23 /11: Illegible Circulars supplied from Divisional Office-reg It is noticed that the circulars/ memos issued by the Divisional Office now a day are not legible and not useful. Immediate action may please be taken to supply readable copies of circulars from Divisional Office, in future.
24 /11: Supply Computer Chair/ Table to Single handed SOs-reg Due to non supply of Computer chairs and Tables to Class III SOs during computerization, much difficulty is being experienced by the staff of these offices like Vellinali, Karalmanna, Karimba and Perimbadari. Immediate action may please be taken to supply these items to such offices. 25 /11: Posting Dy.PM/ APMs at Ottapalam HO on adhoc basis-reg The posts of Dy.PM and APMs of Ottapalam HO are vacant for the last several months. As Ottapalam HO is a Project Arrow office action may please be taken to post APMs on adhoc basis among available staff, immediately.
2) Also requested that action may please be taken to fill up the Dy.PM post (HSG-1) with available and eligible staff of our Division, as done earlier in several occasions, early.
11/11: Revised mode of conveyance of mails as part of rationalization-reg
It is reported with effect from 01-07-2011, mail arrangements were revised unilaterally entrusting additional burden to staff, in our Division. The new time schedule of Excl.MMS creates several difficulties to staff, also. This issue may be discussed in detail.
16 /11: Appointment in the post of GDS SV-1, Ottapalam HO- reg
The Post of GDS SV-1, Ottapalam HO is vacant now consequent on the absorption of the incumbent as MTS in the Department. It is requested that action may please be taken to fill up the post, immediately.
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